Welcome to the transformative world of psychotherapy.

Services Offered

Services are available via telehealth or in-person in West Concord, MA.

Individual Therapy, or Couples and Relationship Therapy


Uncover insights tailored to your unique journey.

Group Therapy - Menopause Group


Embrace transformative change in a safe and nurturing space.

Professional Consultation and Teaching

Contact for Rates

Embark on a path of self-improvement through knowledge.

Kara is credentialed with Aetna insurance. She is currently working on becoming paneled with additional health insurance providers. A superbill will be provided upon request for those with Out-of-Network insurance benefits. Kara accepts major credit cards and HSA cards.

Let's Connect!

Excited about the possibility of us collaborating? Complete some details, and we'll reach out to you soon. We're eager to listen to your story!